Google Music Search
Tuesday, December 27th, 2005You’re no doubt familiar with Google image search and Google news and maybe even Google’s Froogle shopping search. Now comes Google music search. This one, I thought, is right up my alley. So I gave it a whirl by searching for “Springsteen.”
Okay, this was cool: “Land of Hope and Dreams” (otherwise known as *ahem* LOHAD) was the top result of any Springsteen song. But it also showed two songs titled “Springsteen,” one by Princess and one by Whitford. Interesting: I hadn’t heard of either one. Tell me more.
This was not so cool: Trying to find information about Princess, I click on the band’s name: I get pretty much the same information I got from the music search — a CD cover thumbnail — but with the added bonus of “buy me now!” links to music stores like iTunes, eMusic, and Whoa! I don’t even know what I’m looking at, what’s with rushing me to buy? So I click on “artist websites,” figuring I’ll get some band information. Nope: Princess Cruises, Princess Bride, Princess Mononoke. So I go back in my browser one step and click on the album title link in the search results. I get a list of tracks. Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. I click on a song title and get — no information, just “buy me now!” links to iTunes and eMusic.
A search for “Sinatra” fared only a little better: two of the three album results included links to reviews: one from Blender, one from Epinions. Now we’re on the right track. If we’re going to have a Google devoted to music, let’s do more than provide relentless sales links. Let’s get some actual information in there.
Someday, maybe Google music search will find its groove. I hope it does. For now, though, it’s back to the garage for a lot more practice.