It’s gotta suck sometimes being one of the top social media gurus on the planet.
I mean, sure, your Twitter feed gets a coupla hundred thousand followers. You get to do keynote speeches at big conferences. Your book gets ranked in the top 100 of Internet Marketing books on Amazon.
Ah, yes. The books.
I got an email the other day from Amazon telling me all about Chris’ new book: Google+ for Business: How Google’s Social Network Changes Everything. On the one hand, I respect anyone who manages to crank out a book and make a decent buck doing so. On the other hand, I really feel sorry for Chris on this one.
I can only imagine how it all went down. Step one: Google+ debuts. Step two: There’s all sorts of excitement about Google+. Step three: The book deal is made. Step four: The book is written. Step five: The book gets published.
Somewhere between steps four and five, though, something went askew. What, you ask? Well, check out these posts, for example:
Why Google+ Failed (miserably), How to Use Idiotic Facebook Addictions to Grow Your Business, & Did They Lie To You About Traffic!?
A Eulogy for Google Plus
Google+ Pages Officially a Failure (So Far)
Google Engineer Calls Google Plus a ‘Complete Failure’; 5 Reasons We Agree
Well, you get the idea.
So where does this leave Chris? I have no idea; my guess, though, is that it’s either hoping Google+ turns around so he’s proven correct (not likely), wishing he’d never written the book in the first place (maybe) or hoping the next big thing comes along and people forget about Google+ and his book (most likely).
(Of course, not having read the book, maybe it’s a screed about how the failure of Google+ changes everything. If so, ignore everything you’ve just read in this post.)
I do think it’s all a good example of a general tendency toward hyper-accelerated expertise these days. Anytime something slightly significant happens in the world of digital communications, it takes about 12 seconds for there to be dozens upon dozens of blog posts analyzing why that slightly significant something will be the complete game-changer everyone’s been waiting for. After 37 seconds or so, there are probably book deals being discussed.
My advice: Calm down. Let the slightly significant something be absorbed by both the marketplace and the marketplace of ideas. THen step back and take a look and see if it’s worth all that and a bag of chips.
Takeaway for marketers: Sometimes being the best is better than being the first.
Google+ Pages Officially a Failure (So Far)