Archive for the 'Marketing Takeaways' Category

Get Your AdWords Geek On

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

Siddharth Shah has a fascinating post over on Search Engine Land. The key point: Customers searching for a singular term (shoe vs. shoes) are more valuable than customers searching for plural terms (shoes vs. shoe).

Takeaway for marketers: There’s gold in them that Adwords data.


Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Remember how we all used to make fun of those little infographics on the front page of USA Today? Well, you’ve probably seen an explosion of infographics online over the past year or so. Here are 12 ways you can use them personally and for your business.

Takeaway for marketers: That thing you’re laughing at today might be an actual marketing tool tomorrow.


All A-Twitter Over Health Care Reform

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Today’s Supreme Court decision on President Obama’s health care reform was the talk of the interwebs. Patrick Gaspard, Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee, got fairly exuberant about the ruling on his Twitter feed, which led to criticism in some quarters about inappropriately spiking the ball. I agree that a flag on his play is called for, but to Gaspard’s credit he hasn’t removed the offensive (to some) tweet.

Takeaway for marketers: Think before you tweet. And if you tweet inappropriately, suck it up instead of covering it up.

Distress? De-stress!

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Lorra Brown has a terrific post over on Ragan’s PR Daily that provides some tips for reducing stress. As valuable as her 10 suggestions are, it may be her 11th unnumbered suggestion that matters the most: “Finally, laugh. Having a sense of humor about yourself and your business is healthy. Take pride in what you do, but never forget to enjoy it.” Tru dat.

Takeaway for marketers: Lighten up, Francis.

Mashable’s Weekend Recaps

Monday, May 14th, 2012

Mashable likes to present weekend recaps like this one, which presents 40 stories you might have missed.

So here’s my (rhetorical) question to Mashable: Why?

Seriously. It’s Monday morning, I’m gearing up for the week, I have a ton of stuff to do — I can’t ever imagine having the time to read through 40 articles. Instead of dumping 40 articles in my lap, how about giving me the executive summary so I don’t have to read them all?

Links I got. The Mashable recap is just one more drop shooting out of the information firehose. What I really need is topline information to help me make sense of it all.

Just saying.

Takeaway for marketers: Are you adding to the problem or helping to solve it?