Archive for the 'Marketing Takeaways' Category

The Most-Searched Term of 2010 Was …

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

… “Facebook,” according to Experian Hitwise. Which makes sense, because plenty of people are looking for news about Facebook, which seems to be making news every 12 seconds. The Social Network certainly didn’t hurt the place of “Facebook” in the search rankings this past year, either.

But look at number two in the list: “Facebook login.” And number six: “” And number nine: “”

Clearly something else is happening here, and I’ve seen similar dynamics many times over the years in all sorts of traffic reports.

What I believe is happening is this: There are a lot of people who simply won’t type “” into their browser. They use Google (or Yahoo! or Bing) as an intermediate step, typing “Facebook” or “” into the search field — instead of the URL window — and then clicking on the Facebook home page link that shows up number one in the results.

So it’s not so much that people were searching for information about Facebook, it’s that they were using search engines as a way of getting to Facebook.

Big difference. One’s about information, one’s about navigation … and together, they add up to saying something about the average Web user.

Takeaway for marketers: Are your site visitors as sophisticated as you think they are? Really?

A New Year’s Message to App Developers

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Listen up: Android devices are expected to “rule at CES” according to eWeek. Meanwhile, according to Fortune, 2011 will be the year “Android explodes.” And according to this bit of news, sales of Android handsets in 2011 are expected to triple 2010 numbers.

So when you’re developing your snappy apps for iPad, don’t forget to develop an Android version of that snappy app.

Takeaway for marketers: iPads and iPhones may be the sexiest devices out there right now, but you’re limiting your potential by focusing only on them.

About That 27% …

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

eMarketer reports that in 2010, 73 percent of companies (with 100 or more employees) are taking part in social media marketing.

Which begs the question: What’s happening with that other 27 percent?

I’m thinking that either eMarketer’s numbers are off (can that many companies really be that blind to social media marketing these days?!)  or these companies simply do not get it and are hopelessly stuck in the 20th century.

Takeaway for marketers: If your company is in the 27-percent category, realize that 100 percent of your customers are engaging in social media marketing — talking about you, tweeting about you, Facebooking about you and spreading tales of good and bad products and customer service.

No Link Juice For You!

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Vitaly Borker is the Soup Nazi of the Internet … and the Internet is fighting back.

In case you missed the story of DecorMyEyes, check out this article from the other day in the New York Times. It’s an amazing story on so many levels that … oh, just go read it.

The victim in the story made the Today Show, as you can see over here on TV Junkie Joe Bua’s superb blog.

Now, as reported in yesterday’s Times, Google has announced “that it had changed the way it ranks search results so that unscrupulous merchants would find it harder to appear prominently in searches.”

We all know the old saying: There’s no bad publicity. Seems that in the world of SEO, though, there is.

Takeaway for marketers: Customer service matters … now, more than ever.

But Wait … There’s More:

Monday, November 29th, 2010

You knew it was coming, so here’s the official site: Cyber Monday.

Can we now stop with the official shopping days, already?

Takeaway for Marketers: If your email has “Cyber Monday” in the subject line, it’s getting deleted without reading. Just saying.