Archive for the '3D Printing' Category

Plastics Are So 1967

Thursday, April 18th, 2013


Graduation isn’t too far away for a lot of college students. If I were speaking to the Ben Braddocks of today, I’d have one thing to say to them: “3D Printing.” Here’s a good reason why.

Print Me Some Speakers

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013


The latest news from the world of 3D printing is endlessly fascinating. It’s less about the idea that this stuff can be made and more about the idea that this stuff can be made by anyone — and the suggestions about where the whole idea of manufacturing is headed in the next decade. Follow this link to get more information (and view a coupla pretty cool videos) about 3D speakers.

One Step Closer to Wolverine

Sunday, April 7th, 2013


Print Me A Car

Thursday, March 28th, 2013


Oh, and drive it coast to coast on 10 gallons of fuel.

Sound ridiculous? Maybe not.

Dress Printing

Monday, March 18th, 2013


Fabbaloo reports on “the world’s first 3D printed dress,” but news about dress printing hit the interwebs a few months ago. Maybe this latest item is distinguished by being the first completely printed dress. In any event, the world of 3D printing marches on — in the labs and on the runways.