Pinterest of Interest

February 6th, 2012

Since I posted about Pinterest the other day, I’ve spent some time playing with my Pinterest account.

Not only did I find the time to go into my account and figure out how to create boards, add pins and upload pins, I now have seven boards and am starting to understand the Pinterest obsession.

I’m also starting to understand some of the marketing and communications implications beyond “hey, I’m gonna point to something I like.”

Visit Bucks County is the first entity on Pinterest I’ve come across that seems to be doing it right. They have separate boards (think bulletin boards where you can post images of cool stuff) for “Dine in Bucks County,” “Stay in Bucks County,” “Shop in Bucks County,” “Say ‘I Do’ in Bucks County” and more. The trick, of course, is not to just create the board and let it sit (though search will give you some traffic, I assume), but to keep adding content on an ongoing basis.

I’m sorta surprised Zappo’s doesn’t have a presence on Pinterest (they’re great at social media and they’re all about shopping, which is a huge part of what Pinterest is about), but I guess it’s pretty early in the game for companies to be all over the platform. I have no doubt they’ll be crawling all over it before too much longer.

One Response to “Pinterest of Interest”

  1. Pinterest. Kool-Aid or cool? Says:

    […] Next Big Thing In Social Media – Pinterest ( of Interest ( Next Big Thing In Social Media – Pinterest (Part 2) […]

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