How To Absolutely, Totally, Utterly NOT Do Social Media

November 5th, 2011

ZeroChaos is, according to their website, “ a full-service provider of high-quality contingent workforce solutions.” I do some work for a client through them and was having some issues this week that required dealing with their customer service department, so I wound up spending some significant time on their site.

They’re doing one thing right on their home page (and throughout their site): They have links to their Facebook, Twitter and blog feeds.

They’re doing three things wrong on their home page (and throughout their site): They have links to their Facebook, Twitter and blog feeds.

Click on the Facebook link and get to a dead Facebook page with no content.

Click on the Twitter link and get to a list of ZeroChaos associates which isn’t really helpful if you’re looking for official news and information, and possibly a customer service channel, for ZeroChaos.

Click on their blog link and get a 404 error page.

That’s 0 for 3 … 0 as in zero … zero as in ZeroChaos having zero clue about social media.

(If you want to count online customer service chat as social media, then I could make an 0 for 4 argument, but I don’t want to be accused of piling on.)

Seriously, putting one’s social media icons front and center, but then offering absolutely nothing when the user clicks on them is about as shabby as it gets. Is no one at ZeroChaos checking their own site? Is no one there charged with maintaining their social media presence? At the very least, pull the icons and links off the site entirely so you don’t look like a completely clueless company.

Takeaway for marketers: You set up the blog and the Facebook and the Twitter 18 months ago … do you have any idea what’s happening with them today?


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