Google’s eBooks Play … and Fail

December 6th, 2010

The Wall Street Journal reports that today marks the debut of Google eBooks, which is very interesting when you couple it with the idea (reported over on Talk Android) that Android tablets will be taking a massive chunk of the market away from Apple’s iPad. Maybe from the Kindle and the Nook, too.

Sounds great in theory. In practice, though, I have to wonder — especially when I go to the Google eBooks page on my Android tablet, click on “Google eBooks for Android,” click on the button labeled “Download Android app” … and get a 404 “Not Found” error.


2 Responses to “Google’s eBooks Play … and Fail”

  1. Seth Goldstein Says:

    Hey Craig,

    I was able to download it just fine from the market. What tablet are you running it on?


  2. admin Says:

    the ViewSonic gtablet running Android 2.2 — I’m trying to download direct from the Web page link, not the market

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