Follow the Money

October 23rd, 2010

Here’s a Google news alert that’s all over the Web: According to Bloomberg (the news service, not the Mayor), Google is paying 2.4 percent in tax. In case you were wondering, the corporate income-tax rate in the U.S. is 35 percent.

Here’s another bit of fiscal trivia: Remember those fabulous ’50s? You know, that great American decade of happiness and prosperity? The tax rate was 91 percent on incomes over $200,000 (that’s about $2 million in today’s dollars). Click that Malcolm Gladwell video above for more info on this one.

In this election season, it would be nice if the candidates were focusing on stuff like this rather than denying their witchhood, placing reporters in handcuffs and telling opponents to “man up.” Ironically, those are the very candidates claiming the system is broken.

What a country. Someone ought to sell tickets.

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