Bravo, Duracell

September 19th, 2010

If you’re like most people and you’ve worked your way through a variety of cell phones over the past few years,  you’ve probably cursed the fact that each new phone seems to require a whole new set of accessories.

It’s a common tale: You go the store, buy a new cell phone charger, get it home, bloody a few fingers trying to tear it out of that relentless plastic packaging, throw the whole mess into the trash because while the connecting piece looked like the cable you needed, it really wasn’t because it was a tiny smidge off and now you have to go back to the store and get another new one and isn’t this just the most aggravating thing to have to deal with why can’t they just make all cell phones use the same connector what’s wrong with these friggin’ people?!?!

Which is why I have to tip my hat to Duracell and their packaging that lets you actually try plugging the cord into your phone before you buy it. So simple. So customer-friendly. So how come everyone doesn’t make life a little bit easier like this?

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