“Just A Moment of Your Time …”

August 25th, 2010

I do a lot of shopping at Staples, so of course they have my email address. After all, sometimes I actually use the coupons they send.

This morning I received this email from them:

Dear Staples Customer,

Thank you for your recent purchase from Staples.

We invite you to provide feedback on the item you purchased. Your input will help customers choose the best products for their needs, and the process will only take a few minutes to complete.

It’s quick and easy to submit a review — just click the “Rate this product” button next to the product below.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the product I’m asked to rate is a 20-pack of Duracell AA batteries.

Really? Are batteries really a product that require a rating or a review? “I have to say, the color of the battery on the Duracell makes it far easier to ascertain which end is up when compared to the Eveready.” Please.

Seems to me that Staples’ automated email system would be better served if certain product purchases were tagged in a way so as to trigger or not trigger a review request. Printers? Laptops? Office furniture? Sure, a review is appropriate. Batteries? Manila folders? Scotch tape? Give me a break: My inbox is jammed enough as it is.

Takeaway for marketers: If you’re working on an automated customer communications system, try and configure that system in a smarter way that doesn’t irritate your customers and/or make you look ridiculous.

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