Morgan Spurlock Gets The Last Laugh

May 7th, 2006

What's next: pilates with your pizza?

This sign at my local McDonald’s made me do a double-take. That a fitness DVD is the hook to get people into McDonald’s? We’ve come a long way from “would you like to super-size that?”

And to think: Just a couple of months ago, Morgan Spurlock was all over my local news and practically run out of town on a rail for (horrors!) using some off-color language in front of high school kids.

One Response to “Morgan Spurlock Gets The Last Laugh”

  1. George Pariseau Says:

    McDonald’s has been doing an “image overhaul” over the past few years.
    Only time (and the results that go along with it) will tell if people “accept” this new image of McDonald’s.

    Not many changes to the menu though, still incredibly unhealthy, last time I checked. But their positioning makes an attempt to counteract the “unhealthy perception”.

    I’m hoping people out there wake up and make a choice to “Just Say No” to McDonald’s.

    There’s nothing wrong with unhealthy food once in awhile, though.

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