Pitch, Swing and a Miss
March 28th, 2009Over here on LOHAD, I’m sorta the Kathy Griffin of bloggers. But even though I’m on the D-list, I occasionally get pitched by products and services who want me to give them some pixels.
A new Web service emailed me recently. I ignored the pitch. They sent a follow-up the other day and received my out of office response:
I am traveling on business Wednesday and Thursday (March 25 and 26) and will be checking email as often as time, meetings, and BlackBerry access allows. Sorry for any inconvenience, and I’ll be back to you as soon as possible.
To which they responded:
Thanks for getting back to me. We’d love for you to share the news about [redacted] to your readers. Feel free to use the information and buttons on the news release at [redacted]. If you do post, let me know. I’d love to share the link with my team.
Ummmmm … yeah, that autoresponse really says, “I’m interested! You bet I’ll cover your product!”
Takeaway for marketers: If you’re pitching your product or service to a blogger, at least have the courtesy of speaking to them one on one … and be cognizant enough to realize when they’re not paying any attention whatsoever, or you’re likely to look pretty foolish.