Sony Rootkit Redux?
January 2nd, 2006Markets are conversations. The conversation about Coldplay’s new CD release, X&Y, is pretty interesting.
Over here on BoingBoing, there’s a reproduction of the list of rules that comes with the CD, for example: “This CD can’t be burnt onto a CD or hard disc, nor can it be converted to an MP3” and “This CD may not play in DVD players, car stereos, portable players, game players, all PCs and Macintosh PCs.”
BoingBoing points to this page that invites Skype users to leave a message for the band. I wonder how that part of the conversation is going.
Over here on Amazon, one of many anti-DRM (digital rights management) reviewers says: “This CD is DRMed to death. You’re not allowed to play it in anything other than a home stereo system CD player or portable CD player. Won’t play in computers, won’t play in DVD players, won’t play in most car stereo systems. Won’t even play in some home stereo CD players. Can’t transfer the music to your iPod, or to any other portable mp3 player for that matter. DON’T BUY THIS CD!!!!!!!!!”
Over here, on Coldplay’s own site, the issue is starting to creep onto the message boards, for example: “until I can transfer their CD to my MP3 player, I won’t be purchasing it.”
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? The bottom line? Sony got smacked down pretty hard for using rootkit DRM software. Is Capitol next?