Praise the Lord and Pass the Plastic

May 18th, 2008

There’s something irritating about this ad that keeps showing up in my email, and it’s more than the fact that "debt-free" and "no-obligation" need to be hyphenated.

There are tons of companies out there looking to help people manage their debt. Makes sense, because there’s a ton of debt to be managed: For example, the average American who has credit cards owes about $8,000 on those cards. As you can imagine, lead generation in this area is a thriving business.

I don’t know anything good or bad about Christian Debt Experts, but tacking "Christian" in front of "Debt Experts" irks me. I’d probably feel the same way if I saw "Christian Macaroni and Cheese" or "Christian Body Wash" in the supermarket aisle.

Taking a commodity product (like debt management or macaroni and cheese) and using a religious adjective as a way to boost sales of something that has no fundamental spiritual component just feels wrong.

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