Are You Satisfied With Your Facebook Experience?

December 6th, 2012

Next time you log into Facebook, you may be presented with the opportunity to take a survey. What does Facebook want to know? Here are the survey questions:

Overall, how satisfied are you with your Facebook experience?

Now, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your Facebook experience? (News Feed, Photos, Profile/Timeline)

And how satisfied are you with these aspects of your Facebook experience? (Messages/Chat, Apps that integrate with Facebook, Ads)

How likely are you to recommend Facebook to someone you know?

How important is Facebook in staying connected to: (close friends and family, acquaintances, celebrities and other public figures)

How do you feel about the number of friends you have on Facebook? (I’d prefer to have significantly more / moderately more / slightly more / about the right number of / slightly fewer / moderately fewer / significantly fewer friends)

How much do you feel in control of your personal information on Facebook? (completely / very much / somewhat / slightly / not at all in control)

How reliably does Facebook work the way it’s supposed to (i.e., without errors, bugs, or delays)? (extremely / very / somewhat / slightly / not at all reliably)

How easy or difficult is Facebook to use? (extremely easy / very easy / somewhat easy / neither easy nor difficult / somewhat difficult / very difficult / extremely difficult)

How useful is Facebook overall? (extremely / very / somewhat / slightly / not at all)

How much fun is Facebook overall? (extremely / very / somewhat / slightly / not at all)

How trustworthy is Facebook overall? (extremely / very / somewhat / slightly / not at all)

Please share any additional feedback you have about your experience using Facebook. (optional)

Please share any feedback you have about this survey. (optional)

Mark Litwin wrote a book entitled, How to Measure Survey Reliability and Validity. I’d love to know what he or any other survey expert thinks about  this thing. After all, I have to believe that Facebook is going to get a lot of crappy data from this survey.

I mean, if someone responds that they would prefer to have fewer friends? Get off your digital ass and start unfriending people.

How likely are you to recommend Facebook to someone you know? Are you joking? Does any Facebook user know anyone who isn’t on Facebook?

Of course, Facebook is probably hoping for some high percentage of respondents to be either completely or very satisfied with ads on Facebook so they can use that as an excuse to ramp up Facebook advertising efforts. Look for a press release somewhere in February or March once the survey data is crunched and the verbiage is approved.

Meanwhile, I did share some optional additional feedback: “Facebook search SUCKS!” It really does. They need to do something about that.

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