Archive for October, 2012

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, October 5th, 2012

“Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.”
Isaac Newton

Are Endorsements Worthwhile?

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Maybe you didn’t know they were coming, but you’ve probably started to notice them in your email: LinkedIn endorsements. The LinkedIn blog reports.

Does LinkedIn really need endorsements? After all, they already have recommendations. I guess that an endorsement is LinkedIn’s version of a like. Which is all well and good, but ultimately pretty meaningless.

The killer app would be if LinkedIn could figure out how to let you tell the truth about that crappy boss or lazy employee in a way that carried real authority as it prevented spiteful spam. That would be something I could endorse.

Watch it Wednesday

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Tonight’s the first Obama-Romney debate, so here’s the first televised Presidential debate.

Presidential Social Media

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Tomorrow night is the first debate between President Obama and Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, but the debate has been going on for months in social media. How have Obama and Romney fared? AllTwitter reports.

Stats! Numbers! Data!

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Looking for social media statistics? One of the best aggregators of stats I’ve come across is The Social Skinny, which posted 216 of them not too long ago. Noodle around the site and you’ll find hundreds more — enough to season any conference call or presentation.