Archive for October, 2012

Respect the Line!

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

There is an epidemic of lawlessness on our roads.

You know that line you’re supposed to stay behind when you come to a red light? Fewer and fewer people are staying behind it.

Memo to drivers: Your front wheels are supposed to be behind the line; your rear wheels are not supposed to be in front of the line.

Now, I have no statistics whatsoever to back this up, but my own little focus group of one tells me that this traffic line is being ignored more today than ever before in my decades of driving experience. It would not surprise me at all to learn that this is the result of significant increases in the number of left-front bumper accidents.

People, people, let’s stop the madness: Respect the line!

Social Media’s Pareto Principle

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

According to statistics assembled by The Social Skinny, Facebook is the number-one social marketing tool for brands (83% of brands). So you would think that brands are really kicking it on Facebook, right?

Well, according to this Inc. article, only 6 percent of a brand’s Facebook fans engage with that brand’s Facebook content. That really sucks, right?

Maybe not.

What the article doesn’t say is whether 6 percent is a good or a bad number. It’s an issue that begs for more study and data.

I have 339 friends on Facebook, and if someone studied all the activity on my timeline for the past year and told me that only about 20 of those people really engage with the content I post there, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Nor would it surprise me to learn that the vast majority (I’m thinking about 80-90 percent) of what social media marketers would term “engagement” is coming from a half-dozen or so of those 20 people.

I bet if you look at your own Facebook pages, you’ll see similar patterns of interaction. In social media, as in so many other areas of life, the Pareto principle continues to hold strong.

(Hat tip to Hillary via Barbara for the heads up on the Inc. article.)

The Coolest Thing You’ll See All Day

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

Or maybe all week. Or all month.

Some years ago, Hank Williams Jr. did a song called “Fax Me A Beer.” A great song title that lives at the intersection of entertainment and technology. And beer.

But the intersection of entertainment and technology is getting infinitely more fascinating these days, and it’s not happening in song titles, it’s happening in reality.

See that guitar in the photo up there? It was printed.

Yep: printed.

Bloomberg Businessweek reports.

Watch it Wednesday

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is indeed Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. on the Soupy Sales Show.

Small Business and Social Media

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

New data is always worth checking out. In that spirit, AllTwitter provides us with a pretty good infographic.