Worthless News

August 27th, 2012

The signal-to-noise ratio in my feeds lately seems to be all about less signal and more noise. There’s information that matters, information that matters to just a few and information that no one in their right mind should care about.

Usually the majority of information I see falls into the second category. Lately, it seems the third is taking control. For a few examples:

Katie Couric Gives Us A Glimpse Inside Twitter’s New San Francisco Nest (no one should care unless you work there; quite unlikely)

Prince Harry Gives Facebook The Royal Boot (no one should care unless you’re unable to get your fix of Prince Harry anywhere else; also quite unlikely)

Five Things Bacon Can Teach Us About Content Marketing (stop, just stop; now you’re shamelessly trolling for backlinks)

Whether it’s in the trade press of social media and the internets or the 24/4 maw of cable news networks, the lack of real news is never an excuse for having something to say. After all, there are links to create and hours to fill.

Think I’m gonna log off for a while and go read a book.


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