Sure, Mondays Suck …
Monday, April 30th, 2012… but here’s something you can do to make today a little bit better, and it will only take you about 30 seconds.
… but here’s something you can do to make today a little bit better, and it will only take you about 30 seconds.
This post over on Social Media Today is fundamentally kinda self-serving (like the dairy association announcing research results confirming milk is good for you), but the core truth here is solid: If you’re doing B2B social media, focus on LinkedIn before you focus on Facebook and Twitter. I know, I know — that’s pretty self-evident for anyone who’s been working in social media for more than about 20 minutes. Still, it’s nice to have some actual data to point to that quantitatively confirms what most of us have known qualitatively for some time.
This is a scan of an actual invoice I received this week for a subscription to a magazine called Birds & Blooms.
The subscription costs $12.98 and as you can plainly see by the invoice, there’s a bonus included: home delivery.
Whoopee! I don’t have to drive to Harlan, Iowa every month to pick up my magazine! They’ll actually deliver it to my home! What a great concept!
Takeaway for marketers: Don’t try and puff up your value proposition with nonsense. It make you look like a complete idiot.
“Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited.”
—Duke Ellington
Takeaway for marketers: If you’re hiring or not hiring someone solely because of their Klout score, you’re a moron.