Archive for January, 2012

Is Advertising On The Super Bowl Worth It?

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

For half of this year’s advertisers, the answer is definitely or probably not. Business2Community explains.

Watch It Wednesday

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Did you watch the State of the Union last night? If so, you might be interested in comparing and contrasting what President Obama said about the economy with what President Kennedy said 50 years ago.

Infographitize Yourself

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

As if we’re not drowning in infographics already, here comes a nifty little diversion: Create an infographic of your Twitter account–or any Twitter account, for that matter. For example, here are infographics for Ringling Bros., John C. Dvorak, The Onion and me. (Hat tip to Sarah’s Faves for the heads up on this one.)

Google Plus Mandatory Signups

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

When you see those press releases months from now trumpeting the rapid growth of Google Plus, keep in mind that all new Gmail accounts now require users to sign up for G+ too. ReelSEO explains.

Is It Time to Finally Ditch Your Paper Business Card?

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

That’s the question asked by Todd Wasserman over on the American Express Open Forum. The article doesn’t really answer the question, though. Instead, it talks about ways to manage all the cards that come your way.

I’ll answer the question: No, it’s not.

But: If you’re not placing your social media information on your card, you’re a schmuck. That screenshot up there is a scan of the back of my business card, and I can’t count the number of compliments I’ve received on it.

By contrast, I’ve seen business cards from self-proclaimed marketing experts that don’t even include a website address, much less a social media icon. These days, that’s downright pathetic.

Takeway for marketers: If part of your marketing expertise is digital and social media and your card doesn’t reflect that reality, you have some work to do on your personal collateral.