5 Reasons Why Your Company Can’t Find Good Digital Talent

October 27th, 2011

Ready? Here goes, in no particular order:

Every element of their work will be pored over by multiple layers of bureaucracy.

Mediocre is good enough.

Trial and error is condemned.

Your company is structured so it takes a lifetime to get to the top, and as such there are no digital experts in company-wide leadership positions.

Your offices are cold, impersonal and downright stodgy.

Aaron Shapiro over on Fast Company created that list (which might also be titled, “5 Reasons Why I Work For Myself”) and has a lot more to say about those reasons in his spot-on blog post.

Takeaway for marketers: Ask yourself: do any of those reasons sound familiar? If the answer is “yes,” what are you doing to effect change?

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