Social Media “Experts”

May 24th, 2011

I’ve always told companies that anyone who calls himself or herself a “social media expert” isn’t, and if they want you to hire them, your best move is to put your hand on your wallet and run like hell. You can have experience in the field, but you can’t have expertise in something that changes so radically so often.

Peter Shankman says what I meant far better over on Business Insider:

Being an expert in social media is like being an expert at taking the bread out of the refrigerator. You might be the best bread-taker-outer in the world, but you know what? The goal is to make an amazing sandwich, and you can’t do that if all you’ve done in your life is taken the bread out of the fridge.

Social media is just another facet of marketing and customer service. Say it with me. Repeat it until you know it by heart. Bind it as a sign upon your hands and upon thy gates. Social media, by itself, will not help you.

Takeaway for marketers: Go read the whole post.

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