Archive for March, 2011

Get Your Email (Gmail) Geek On

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Problem: You’re using Google Apps for domain-based email (example: and you want your email to show up not only on your laptop but also on your smartphone and your tablet devices.

Issue: When setting up your Gmail-based email account in your email programs, you can choose POP or IMAP. The latter will dump everything from your Gmail account onto your device (which sorta ruins the point of that whole cloud thing). The former will download your mail to one device, then ignore the others … which means you could miss out on important mail if you’re on the road with your smartphone and your laptop or your tablet downloads it first.

Unless you’re aware of this solution.

Value-Based Content

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

As someone who spent more than a decade on the editorial side of magazine publishing before developing digital content and marketing communications, I’m watching with fascination as the marketing currents shift a bit away from social media and more toward content marketing.

Which boils down, I think, to companies and marketers understanding this: Don’t just say something, say something worthwhile.

Which is why you ought to read this entry over on the Six Pixels of Separation blog … unless you’re not interested in saying anything worthwhile.

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, March 4th, 2011

“Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money.”
Johnny Cash

Do You Manage A Company Facebook Page?

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

If so, you need to read how Jay Dolan nails it.

His Computer Prices Are Insaaane!!!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Here’s a classic for anyone who lived in the New York area in the 1980s. I’d forgotten how much Crazy Eddie (a.k.a. WPIX late-nite deejay Jerry Carroll) sounds like Dan Aykroyd. Or vice versa.