Business … In Internet Time
January 11th, 2011PC World is reporting that MySpace is laying off about half its staff.
Back at the end of 2008, according to information consolidated by, MySpace had more than 110 million active monthly users. At the time, Facebook had about 120 million.
Back in the beginning of 2008, according to Web-Strategist, MySpace was “the largest Social Network in North America [with] a dominant position as media site, primarily aimed at youth, giving them the opportunity to relate to brands and bands, as well as self-express.”
Facebook? “The hot talked company Facebook has the highest growth rate, and at Forrester we predict it to achieve the same number of registered users as MySpace in Q4 of 2008, or early 2009 given the current growth rates.”
Takeaway for marketers: Complacency is so 20th century.