Standards, Spammers, Standards!

October 19th, 2010

I have to confess: For a split-second, they got me.

After all, I use EFTPS for my business tax payments, so anything official-looking is going to catch my attention.

Then I started reading. Assuming you can’t read the screen shot of the email above, here’s what it said:


Your Federal Tax Payment ID: 01037599764 has been not accepted. Pelase, make sure that all informtaion you have sumbitted is corerct and refer to Code R21 to find out the ifnormation about copmany payemnt. Pelase cnotact this page if you have any questions:

Rteurn Reason Code R21 – The identifciation nubmer you enetred in the Cmopany Idetnification Feild is not functional. Try senidng ifnormation to your acocuntant advsier using other optoins.

EFTPS: The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

You are uisng an Official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorzied purposes. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this ssytem may result in criminal prosecution. The Govermnent may monitor and audit the usage of system, and all presons are hereby notified that the use of this system consittutes cnosent to such monitoring and auditing. Unauthorized attempts to upload infromation and/or change information on this web site are stirctly prohibited and are subject to porsecution under theCmoputer Farud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.

That’s 35 typos, by my count — 11 in the second 26-word paragraph alone! C’mon, you slimy bottom-feeders — can’t you do better than this?!

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