Happy Anniversary, You Pencil-Necked Geeks!

March 31st, 2010


Today marks the 25th anniversary of the first WrestleMania. That’s a quarter-century of tag teams, ladders, cages, broken tables and bizarre celebrity appearances.

I spent 15 years around the wrestling business as editor of a family of pro wrestling magazines, and while I’ll save my Pro Wrestling Theory of Life for another time (in a nutshell: absolutely everything in life can be explained through pro wrestling insider analogies), I can tell you this: The WWE, which was still the WWF back when WrestleMania made its 1985 debut, knows marketing inside, outside, forward, backward, sideways and with or without masks and foreign objects.

Looking for marketing lessons from the WWF/WWE? The Internets are lousy with articles and blog posts. Here’s one from 2009 talking about lessons for Internet marketers. Here’s one from 2007 talking about lessons for real estate marketers. And so it goes. Maybe the ultimate lesson is that bodyslams and elbowsmashes have the potential to vault you off the top rope toward a Senate seat.

I think the lesson to be learned from pro wrestling for most of us, though, is this: Identify the passions of your best customers and feed them relentlessly.

Vince McMahon thought big, in ways his father and other regional wrestling promoters never did. He tried lots of things and wasn’t afraid to fail. He experienced amazing success and weathered worldwide scandal (read: steroids).

But through it all, he focused as relentlessly on the fans as he did on the bottom line. Success is as simple … and as difficult … as all that.

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