Those Who Forget the Past …
July 13th, 2009… are condemned to repeat it.
The phrase comes to mind because back in 2007 the paid-content experiment known as Times Select came to an end. At the time, Colby Atwood, president of the Borrell Associates media research firm, said:
“The business model for advertising revenue, versus subscriber revenue, is so much more attractive. The hybrid model has some potential, but in the long run, the advertising side will dominate.”
Nevertheless, Editor & Publisher reports that the Times is considering two options for returning to the paid content model.
Would this be yet another step on the road to the death of the Times, or could paid content serve as a financial life preserver for the old gray lady? I’m thinking the former, but the way we all consume news and information is changing so rapidly, I don’t envy those at the Times who have to consider and make these sorts of decisions.