
October 6th, 2008

This morning, iMedia Connection posted this article about emerging tech trends to watch. One of those trends is a service called Veeple that allows anyone to create callout text boxes and clickable links in video. Think VH1’s Pop-Up Video with pop-ups you can click.

It’s an interesting idea, but right now the pricing is such that Veeple is going to be used mainly by companies trying to sell us stuff. Imagine the same sort of service in the hands of the average person who uploads to YouTube as opposed to the company that uploads to YouTube.

The Britney Spears guy has 9,349,536 views as I write this. That’s a lot of eyeballs, but to Veeple-ize the video would cost about $47,000. Britney guy isn’t going to pay that cost.

I think there’s some real potential with Veeple, but the biggest potential may lie in somehow melding it to those videos that reach cultural meme status and generate millions upon millions of views.

Takeaway for marketers: If you’re gonna use Veeple in your videos, don’t just say “click here to buy my stuff.” Figure out a way to be really clever about it.

One Response to “Veeple”

  1. Doug Says:

    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for the blog on Veeple. You hit the nail on the head with your last sentence on “figuring out how to be clever about it.” We earnestly believe that interactive clickable video will be hugely popular but like any software people need to learn to use it creatively and in our case also “non-intrusively” for it to really have the desired affect. One note – On our pricing model we do provide a way for the user to not pay anything but rather share in any ad revenue we generate on their videos. The Britney Spears guy at 9 MIL views would be a strong candidate for this pricing model and would most definitely make money on his video without paying Veeple a dime. Check out our Ad Revenue Sharing model

    Thanks again for the post.

    Doug Broomfield
    VP, Content

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