Business Opportunity Alert

October 1st, 2008

A couple of weeks ago I noted that the Obama campaign was missing out on some low-hanging Web fruit by not running a keyword campaign about Sarah Palin.

I’m Googling for information about the bailout plan yesterday and once again there’s nothing in the way of keyword advertising appearing on my results page.

The largest financial issue we’ve faced as a nation since The Great Depression, a political tsunami that’s pushed even Sarah Palin off the front page, and no one’s jumping on AdWords?

Why no ads from Obama or McCain? Or the RNC or DNC? Or even someone selling widgets and running an ad along the lines of, "Forget the bailout plan, buy my crap."

Takeaway for marketers: Forget marketers this time, here’s a takeaway for political strategists — and angel investors: There needs to be an online marketing agency that specializes in wide-ranging issues marketing on both the local and national levels. Call me and let’s get it done.

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