The Call Of the Open Road

September 23rd, 2008

All kinds of reports this week, from AdAge to Daily Breeze to Countdown and others talking about the Honda Civic Musical Road.

It’s a stretch of road in California grooved in such a way that when you drive it at exactly 55 miles per hour you hear the William Tell Overture. Check out the YouTube video and judge for yourself.

Like so many new technologies, this one has a long way to go. But when they figure it out, imagine the possibilities: You’re driving along Route 66 and you hear … well, the “Theme from Route 66.” Maybe you’re headed down to the Jersey shore to hit the casinos and your tires start playing Springsteen’s “Atlantic City.” There are probably countless stretches of highway where Duane Eddy’s “40 Miles of Bad Road” would be appropriate.

But imagine if they really figure out this technology in a way that takes it all a few steps further so that words, not just sounds, could be created. Those rumble strips on the side of the road could scream, “Wake up, idiot!” Anyone driving 40 miles an hour in the fast lane could be told in no uncertain terms how they’re holding up traffic. The possibilities are endless!

Residents nearby have reportedly been complaining about the sounds and the road is being paved over today. No wonder our economy is tanking — American vision just isn’t what it used to be.

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