Sarah Palin! Sarah Palin! Sarah Palin!
September 6th, 2008Everyone is waiting to see what the convention bump is in the various polls for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I’d love to know, though, what the traffic bump is for sites like Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish and Alaskan political blog Mudflats .
I’d also like to know why the Obama campaign, which in almost every way has been so smart about using the Internet and new media, hasn’t jumped on their paid keyword buying yet. I Googled "Sarah Palin" several times this morning, and each time I got one ad result — placed by the McCain campaign.
Takeaway for marketers: Keep an eye on news events: They might suggest smart modifications to your media buy.
SEPTEMBER 6 UPDATE: Well, duh. I could have answered one of my own questions if I’d paid closer attention to Sullivan’s site: He has SiteMeter installed. The answer: The traffic bump is friggin’ huge … which makes the Obama camp’s lack of presence in AdWords all the more surprising.
September 14th, 2008 at 10:14 am
Hey, I’m voting for Billy Borkowski for President. He’s a stand alone candidate with clear and concise ideas about what this country needs. Possibly I could support you as VP.