I recently had to (yet again!) replace an iPod that crapped out on me. There they were: 160 gigs of music and movies and podcasts and games, unavailable behind the dreaded red X — which I’ve seen far more often this year than the dreaded Blue Screen of Death .
So when I received an email from Apple asking me to provide feedback on my Apple Store experience, I was happy to comply. Please to enjoy my response to their open-ended comments question:
(1) “Genius Bar” is SUCH a blitheringly snotty and pretentious bit of nomenclature, as is “Head Genius” on the business card of the gentleman who helped me. Unless you’re Einstein or Stephen Hawking, “genius” should NOT be used to refer to a customer service drone. Puh-leeeze.
(2) The ONLY reason I received service at all was because I threw a complete fit about having spent 4-1/2 hours in the car before arriving at the Apple store, only to be told I’d have to come back TWO DAYS LATER to handle a five-minute warranty replacement of my iPod (the third iPod I’ve had to replace in less than a year — how about making some more reliable products?)
(3) The Apple Store I was in would not have been as crowded if not for masses of people dealing with iPhone troubles (once again: how about making some more reliable products?)
I’ve been a PC guy forever, and every time I consider going over to Apple, I have some sort of issue with my iPod that takes me into the store, where I’m reminded that I’d rather deal with the hassles of Vista than the pretensions of Mac fanboys.
Not that all Mac users are pretentious fanboys. Hey, some of my best friends use Macs. But … well, you know what I mean.