Archive for August, 2008

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Or cutting off your nose to spite your face. Or whatever other similar cliche you prefer.

Pandora is a terrific service, and CEO Tim Westergren has been on the front lines of fighting for its survival for some time. This week, warning sirens are sounding again about the potential death of Pandora.

This is exactly the type of new business model where some agreeable middle ground between Pandora and the royalty collectors needs to be found. Pandora isn’t like a CD retailer, or even like iTunes. It’s an entity that’s fundamentally about the process of discovering music, not  purchasing music. It helps build one’s interest in previously unknown artists, in turn facilitating music sales.

The more popular Pandora gets, the better it is for the music industry as a whole. It’s time for everyone looking for their piece of the Pandora pie to smarten up and look at the long-term bigger picture.

Springsteen + Hersheypark = Sweeeet!

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008


Last night I saw Springsteen in Hershey where he delivered 3-1/4 hours of searing rock ‘n’ roll to a sold-out Hersheypark Stadium. No intermission.

He turns 59 next month.


Takeaway for marketers: Do you bring half the passion to your work that Springsteen brings to any one of his shows?

The Ultimate Blue Screen of Death

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Gizmodo alerts us to the snafu you didn’t see during the opening ceremonies on NBC.

$300 million spent that evening and they still get hosed by Microsoft. Classic.

To Network Or Not To Network?

Monday, August 18th, 2008

This article from AdAge reports on an interesting IAB study that notes:

"On average, the cost-per-thousand rates for network-sold inventory are less than a 10th the CPMs publishers were able to charge when selling it themselves."

That sound you hear on the advertiser side is moans, groans and online marketing plans being revisited as the CMOs call in the online marketing managers and say, "Go find a network that carries the same sites we’re placing individually so we can save 90 percent of our online budget."

Bad Copy Sucks

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

So visit and email your examples, your war stories and your insights. Help stop the insanity. Tell your friends.

Takeaway for marketers: Bad copy sucks.