Archive for October, 2007

What Next For Skype?

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

Skype's great. If you don't have it, it's well worth the download

Now that eBay has admitted they overpaid about a billion bucks for Skype, what’s next for the service? Who knows. It’s a terrific service, and hopefully eBay has some sort of a master plan, though I hope it’s more than trying to move a boatload of 1-gig jump drives and Plantronics headsets out the door.

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Bruce Springsteen

“Trust none of what you hear, and less of what you see.”
Bruce Springsteen

A Beeeeeelyun Dollars

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

Throw the virtual worldcers a freakin' bone

According to Digital Media Wire, a billion dollars has been invested in virtual worlds in the past year.

A billion dollars. With a “B.” Billion. Okay, so 70 percent of that is Disney’s acquisition of Club Penguin, but still.

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

the song, btw, is Subterranean Homesick Blues

This is simply brilliant.

I Guess “Permanent” Ain’t What It Used To Be

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

And it's not really free, since you have to buy the package, but ...

Either the permanent marker isn’t really permanent, or the eraser doesn’t work. Either way, this is just plain silly.