Archive for May, 2006

“Look For the LOHAD Label”

Sunday, May 21st, 2006

Fonebone would be proud

The Advertising Slogan Generator is just one of the fun diversions to be found over here as The Surrealist, a collection of web toys and games mostly focused on random text generation. You can also find out your spammer name (Textural K. Industry at your service) and generate sound effects that seem to have come out of a Don Martin cartoon.

Pray-As-You-Go Cell Phones

Saturday, May 20th, 2006

and because God is everywhere, there are no roaming charges!

I think this is a really smart idea.

Takeaway for marketers: Identify customers. Serve them.

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, May 19th, 2006

Anton Chekov

“Any idiot can face a crisis. It is the day-to-day living that wears you out.”
Anton Chekov


Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Taking the debate around intelligent design to a new level

If you’re Will Wright and you’ve amazed people with The Sims, where do you go next? Spore.

Funny. Sexy. Cool. Ads the Way You Want Them

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

She's having a bad morning is a collection of thousands of video clips of ads that you can search and sort using all kinds of criteria. Translation: It’s a pretty good time-suck site.

Thanks to my fellow Soflow member T.J. Swafford for the heads up on this “Sabotage” ad for the Toyota Rav4 (it was banned in New Zealand) that led me to the site.