Windows Virus Warning

January 3rd, 2006

A pain pill won't work; try a patch instead.

Yesterday, Drudge reported (in red!) about this Windows vulnerability, which is not good news for anyone who uses any version of Windows shipped since 1990. An excerpt:

“Unlike most attacks, which require victims to download or execute a suspect file, the new vulnerability makes it possible for users to infect their computers with spyware or a virus simply by viewing a web page, email or instant message that contains a contaminated image.”

Microsoft’s official security advisory on this one can be accessed here. The New York State Office of Cyber Security & Critical Infrastructure Coordination has a good page of information over here.

UPDATE: C|NET is reporting “dozens of attacks” since last week. “Right now, the situation is bad,” C|NET quotes a security expert as saying, “but it could be much worse. The potential for problems is bigger than we have ever seen. We estimate 99 percent of computers worldwide are vulnerable to this attack.”

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