Archive for December, 2005

You’ve Got .WAV Files

Sunday, December 11th, 2005

You've got an oppressive amount of mail

Roughly 63 million times a day, AOL users hear the voice of El Edwards. He’s the guy who said the words that helped Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan get together back in 1998: “You’ve got mail.”

If you’re into customizing your online experience, you can now send ten bucks or so to Edwards, and he’ll intone whatever you want … as long as it doesn’t contain foul language, take the Lord’s name in vain, or denegrate AOL. You don’t even have to deal with his agent at William Morris to make it happen.

A Christmas Gory

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

A Red Ryder BB gun is no protection

Copyright trampling issues aside, trailer remixes are one of the more entertaining web trends to come along in a while. What’s a trailer remix? It’s where someone takes clips from a movie and edits them into a trailer format in such a way that the result is 180 degrees removed from the original movie’s personality.

So: Think of West Side Story as a zombie movie. Or The Shining as a feel-good family flick. Or Titanic as a Stephen King style thriller. Links to all three of these can be accessed here.

The latest remix to cross my desk is A Christmas Gory, which recasts the holiday classic based on the works of Jean Shepherd as a grisly horror flick.

Putting your eye out is the least of your worries, kid.

Quotes o’ the Day

Friday, December 9th, 2005

The Barrister and The Boss

“It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

“Faith will be rewarded.”
Bruce Springsteen

Strange Days, Indeed

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

Most peculiar, mama

It was 25 years ago today.

Imagine that.

Are You An Ethical Marketer?

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

Maybe it's time to enforce AMA's own ethical standards!

Even if you’re a member of the American Marketing Association, you may not have read all the fine print on their application form. The application includes a Code of Ethics, beneath which is a place for the applicant to sign and date the form. The first bullet point of the Code of Ethics fascinates me:

“Marketers must first do no harm.”

To who or what? And in whose eyes? Are marketers who work on cigarette, liquor, and gambling accounts automatically barred from entry into the AMA? What about political marketers? What about marketers who work on children’s products? Hell, there are people out there who think any form of marketing whatsoever does harm to the culture in general, which would make the notion of an AMA a little problematic. There are already more than enough people who feel that “marketing ethics” is an oxymoron.

Also on the form: “Any AMA member found to be in vioilation of the Code of Ethics may have his or her Association membership suspended or revoked.”

I’d love to know of any actual instances in which this has happened. A Google search for “AMA membership suspended” turned up zero results, while “AMA membership revoked” returned four results: three having to do with physicians, one about radio controlled aircraft, and none about marketing. So I contacted the AMA. Their response is pending.

Maybe the NRA is right: It’s not about passing new laws, it’s about enforcing the ones already on the books!

Takeaway for marketers: Do no harm.