Google Reader: Thumbs Down

October 12th, 2005

Not bad, but it ain't no BlogExpress

If you’re looking to get involved in aggregating RSS feeds and simplifying (a bit) your online information gathering, you might be tempted to try Google Reader. My advice: Try several other options, too.

I’ve been using BlogExpress for a while, and I really like it. I’ve had as many as about 125 feeds in there, and am currently monitoring 82. I transferred all 82 over to Google Reader to give it a test run.

My verdict: BlogExpress remains a clear winner. Google is web-based, which makes it nice to be able to log into my feed reader from any computer. But loading is slow, even on DSL, and moving from feed to feed and skimming new entries is a relatively awkward and time-consuming procedure. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking to do things faster.

Unless you’re a heavy user of Gmail (you can Gmail an item in one click of a drop-down menu) and/or Blogger (you can add an item into your blog with one click of a drop-down menu), I don’t see a whole lot here to make Google Reader a compelling choice.

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