Archive for August, 2005

A Federal Ban on Focus Groups?

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Malcolm Gladwell

American Copywriter posted the other day about a recent speech by Malcolm Gladwell in which he articulated some excellent points about focus groups. Gladwell’s opening salvo:

“Focus groups are the primary institutional forum for inhibiting creativity. And Congress should enact a law prohibiting the freedom of assembly for the purpose of conducting a focus group.”

Takeaway for marketers: Focus groups are a tool for discussion, not a direct line to absolute truth and success.

“Starting tomorrow you must learn to grow on your own…”

Saturday, August 20th, 2005

David Calhoun

Granted, I’m more than three months late coming to the party on this one, but it wasn’t until the other day that David Calhoun’s 2005 commencement speech at Virginia Tech crossed my screen. He’s the President and CEO of GE Transportation, and his comments make for excellent reading packed with sage advice.

Takeaway for marketers: Just read it.

Quote o’ the Day

Friday, August 19th, 2005

Mary Pickford

“If you have made mistakes … there is always another chance for you … you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
Mary Pickford

Surprise: It’s All About The ROI (Duh!)

Thursday, August 18th, 2005

'Show me da money!

Interactive marketing “is sexy, and getting sexier.” This according to Harry Joiner, quoted in a MarketingVox article that makes for some interesting reading. I particularly like this bit regarding which traditional mindset tends to take better to the online world:

…direct mailers have an advantage in mentality: you pump in money and expect something in return, and if the return is worth it you pump in more. Brand marketers are more abstract. [Says Joiner:] “They’ll say, ‘Let’s have a website and make it look really cool,’ and they don’t realize that it’s going to take forever to load or it’s not friendly to search engines.”

Takeaway for marketers: Cool is cool, but cool don’t pay the bills. Balancing the cool with the utilitarian in a customer-centric and company-appropriate way is exactly what makes online marketing such a difficult specialty.

The Studio 54 of Cyberspace?

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

'Are YOU cool enough to be part of The In Crowd?

From their “about us” page: “aSmallWorld is an invitation-only online community which is not open to the public. It is designed for those who already have strong connections with one another. It allows you to interact more effectively with like minded individuals who share same circle of friends, interests, and schedule. We list the most popular restaurants, hotels, and night clubs in over 60 major cities, summer and winter resorts and we keep track of major events, parties, exhibitions, film and music festivals and sporting events such as motor racing, tennis, sailing, golf, and others. Our goal is to become the leading global social networking community.”