Phishing Expedition? Ya Think?

August 7th, 2005

that's phishing, with a ph

The following is an email I received recently, presented unedited for your amusement:

Card Activation

We are glad to inform you, that our bank has a new security system. The new updated technology will ensure the security of your payments through our bank.

Hoping you understand that we are doing this for your own safety we suggest you to activate your card, this will confirm us that you’ve received your card, will also maintain the safety of your account . Click on the link to continue

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Issues of grammar, punctuation, and syntax aside, is there anyone who looks at that URL and thinks anything other than, “this is one of the most blitheringly blatant email scams I’ve ever seen!” I hope not. If there’s even one, then education about phishing still has a long way to go.

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