Is There a Line Between “Traditional” and “Online” Marketing?

July 24th, 2005

Buy my crap. Please.

Chris Baggott’s Email Best Practices blog raises this interesting question.

Is there a line between online and offline? Well, if there is, if your online efforts aren’t integrated with your offline efforts, then something is seriously wrong with your overall efforts.

Is there a difference between online and traditional? Yes, one huge difference, assuming “traditional marketing” is taken to mean print and broadcast.

Newspapers, television, and radio are one-way mediums. The advertiser places a message, the potential customer sees it and either buys or doesn’t buy. Pretty much end of story.

Online is a two-way medium. The advertiser places a message, the potential customer can comment on it, forward it to 10 friends, mock it, improve on it, blog it, and on and on and on. The story is just beginning.

Takeaway for marketers: Online marketing is not just posting your television or print campaign online.

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